air ambulance services khatmandu

Air Ambulance: Emergency Air ambulance Services Khatmandu

Air Ambulance Services In Khatmandu

Accretion Aviation Air Ambulance in Kathmandu– Swift, Safe, and Smooth

Accretion Aviation Air Ambulance Services in Kathmandu functions with a well-developed ICU Setup onboard performing every air rescue facility in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner. We plan both private and business trips to move basic patients advantageously and circumspectly starting with one spot then onto the next. We incline toward creative strategies to move basic patients with a top notch and exceptionally experienced clinical group remembering specialists adroit for overseeing ICU gear, for example, a ventilator, pull machine, heart screen, imbuement siphon, oxygen chambers, nebulizer, and defibrillator alongside the essential and progressed life upholds devices. We guarantee to convey our administrations in light of straightforwardness and keep the solace of the ones related with us. The services offered are cost-effective and pocket-friendly with the minimal time taken to reach a clinical spot for accessing alleviated ministration.

Accretion Aviation Air Ambulance Services in Kathmandu– Serving Ethically

We arrange air medical transportation using specially equipped fixed-wing aircraft and commercial jets to relocate patients with comfort and caution. We offer complete Bed- to Bed transfer with efficacy and convenience. Accretion Aviation Air Ambulance Service in Kathmandu was founded in 2014 to enhance patients transfer and deliver a higher standard of in-flight care and management. We arrange instant air transportation using specially equipped fixed wing jets equipped with highly trained medical professionals including- Doctors, nurses, and paramedics along with adeptly skilled aviation technicians and pilots.

Following are The Advantages of Selecting Accretion Aviation Air Ambulance from Kathmandu

  • Non-stop Medical Evacuation Services with 24/7 availability.
  • Well-Occupied and Modern Technique ICU Setups onboard
  • Availability of Scoop Stretchers and Wheel Chair.
  • Medical Cushions and mattresses on demand.
  • Highly -Experienced Medical and Aviation Team.
  • Low Budget and transparent booking procedures.
  • Disinfected aircraft chambers.
  • Curtains surrounding the cabin of the patient.
  • Ground transportation alternative to convey patients effectively.
air ambulance in khatmandu air ambulance khatmandu

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